A Long History In Disaster Services
Redefining ‘family business’.
Road Trip Leads to Lifelong Endeavor
In 1999, 900 miles away from home, MLU Services Inc is born. William Ulm, Sr., (who is always called Billy by everyone who knows him), drives straight from Georgia to Southeastern Oklahoma. There he labors alongside a handful of men he brought along with him to respond to a massive ice storm.
Faced with miles of ice-felled trees and blocked roads, the team used a single pickup truck, a small flatbed trailer with makeshift wooden sides, and residential-grade chainsaws, to cut, load and remove the massive storm debris.
Not surprisingly, Billy’s team worked faster and better than many of the other subcontractors; meaning they stayed on the project longest, and even went home with some change in their pocket. Billy’s instinct to work safe, smart, and efficiently didn’t go unnoticed, and that first disaster response mission grew into the Ulm family business. He and his wife, Marcia, launched MLU Services in 1999 with 2 goals in mind:
- Figure out the safest and fastest way to get the job done right
- Treat people right
Marcia put her entrepreneurial skills to work growing and shaping the business while Billy set out to make much-needed changes in the disaster response industry.
Through the years those goals turned into a steadfast philosophy that has endured; and the Ulm family has changed the disaster response specialty contracting and logistics industry for the better.
For more than two decades, Billy and Marcia have worked together to turn that first mission into a thriving business that employees hundreds and offers a full spectrum of disaster response services covering everything from FEMA-provided temporary housing — to workforce housing, catering, and more.
The Ulm family has never strayed from the basic tenets of their business. They renew their promise every day to work safe, work smart, and treat people right.
Two Decades of Experience

MLU Services, Inc. has provided Disaster Response Workforce Housing and Disaster Recovery Services for nearly every national disaster in the past two decades, including: Hurricane Katrina (nearly 30,000 units), Hurricanes Charlie, Jeanne, Frances and Ivan (nearly 30,000 units), plus Isabel, Rita, Wilma, Matthew, Irma, Maria, Florence and Michael— and the Paradise “Camp Fire” fires (over 500 units in two complete communities) plus Tubs, Mendocino Complex and Carr Fires. MLU is ready to deliver and setup full Base Camp operations from our three locations to any disaster, nationwide.